Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ricky Williams is back in the NFL

This has got to be a joke right? Now don't get me wrong, as I've said in the past I'm 100% against the drug war and believe that you should be able to buy pot as easily as alcohol. However, it pisses me off that the NFL pretends to be "good citizens" and make their players play by the rules but they get a hell of a lot more chances than regular people. If I was at a job that had an anti-drug policy and I peed positive on a piss test do you think I'd get 4 chances?

The NFL either needs to get serious or just stop it. It's their league and they have the right to run it how they want, I just find the hypocrisy annoying.

Of course you'd think that when the teenagers of the 60's and 70's got into politics they'd legalize it as quite of few of them know 1st hand that the hype about how "evil" the stuff is just that, hype. It would actually be a lot better of a medicine for my back than what I take now. The stuff I take now slows down my digestion and makes it hard for me to eat. It also messes with my appetite.

If you're not voting for Ron Paul next election you are contributing to the further decline of this country. Be part of the solution, not the problem.


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