Monday, March 03, 2008

What are the odds

I've had to cancel my appt with the Dr down in Fayetteville AR twice because of weather. It's an appt to talk to him about my hernia. Well I had to cancel another appt tomorrow because of weather. We have another winter storm moving in. They say we could get 10 inches of snow with this one. So I rescheduled it for March 28th.

This sucks because one, it hurts and two, because it'll probably be at least mid-April before I have my surgery. It'll take at least 2 months to heal completely and that's already mid-June. That's assuming it only takes 2 months. This hernia is caused by a tear in my abdomen where my kidney surgery was so it's quite possible I did too much too soon and caused this. So I'm really gonna have to watch it this time so it doesn't happen again.

So all I can do now is wait more. That's OK though. I'm good at that.


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