Thursday, July 03, 2008

Update for y'all

We've been busy lately. From the 22nd until the 26th we had Vacation Bible School at the church. We were there every night helping out. Kim's job was roll taker/head counter and overall just keeping track of the kids. My job was to make them behave. There were a few times I had to bang my cane on a table to get their attention but it worked. We were there from 6-9 every night.

And Sunday night, the 29th, we had our fireworks show there. I got to help shoot them off this year. We had a BUNCH of stuff. I was in charge of mortars along with 2 other guys. We had over 200 of them. Man was that a lot of fun. Roy, a deacon at our church, estimated we had about $1200 worth of stuff.

July 2nd was Kim's birthday. The 4-0. She's having a lot of trouble accepting this one. I took my 30th birthday kinda hard so I can't blame her. The biggest thing that irked me was that we didn't have any money to really do anything special.

So tomorrow is the 4th of July and we're going up to my parents house. It should be a lot of fun.

Some bad news, the vet thinks that my parent's dog Gizmo has cancer and gives him about 6 months. He's a good dog so it's kinda sad. I'll miss him.

That's about it for right now. See ya later.


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