Friday, November 13, 2009

Hey hey hey!!!!

I'm back. Thought I'd update y'all about what's been going on lately. Basically a whole bunch of nothing. But that's good. Drama is overrated. Around here we've just been trying to scrape up a little money for Xmas. Hopefully Santa will help us out. It'll be tight but we'll make sure that Tucker has a good time. Watching him open his presents is the best part anyway. Maybe Kim and I will exchange cards or something.

I just can't understand how the Xmas season starts earlier and earlier every year. It's 2 weeks until Thanksgiving and there's Xmas stuff up everywhere. 105.1 has been playing Xmas music for 2 weeks already. Crappy Xmas music but Xmas music nonetheless. It's like they search the bargain bins and bought the cheapest CD's for music. I have yet to hear one song that sounds good. Instead of The Christmas song by Nat King Cole we get Charlene down at the Dairy Queen singing her version.

Oh well, I can just change the station. The weather is still weird. It was cold a few weeks ago but lately it's been warm. We just can't seem to get seasonal weather. But I guess that's OK, warm weather is easier on my joints. The cold stiffens me up pretty good.

Tucker is doing great. We've been going to all of the local fast food joints and playing on their play-places. He loves it and it gives me a chance to sit down and just relax. If we're here he wants me to play with him all the time. I love playing with him but I also have things I have to do. Like cleaning the house, doing the dishes and such.

Well, that's all folks. See ya later!!!!


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