Saturday, August 25, 2007


I'm just checking in, I hope things are good for you. Ain't much going on here except we went to see a play today. There's a little theatre in town and they do little religious plays and such. It's a lot of fun, the play today was funny. I always enjoy going.

As some of you might know due to my eyesight I'm becoming less comfortable having a gun(or other lethal ranged weapon) around for home defense so I've been looking at alternatives. I've got pepper spray and foam at various places around the house. I have an ASP Palm Defender on me at all times and my wife has an ASP Key Defender on her keychain. (mine is the small one and hers is the medium sized one). You can use these as kubotans and also have the pepper spray option too.

Well in my eternal quest for non lethal alternatives I found these.

They're just like paintball guns except when they impact it unloads a cloud of pepper powder. I think these would have dandy alternatives but as of right now they're not sold to the public. Although they claim they're going to soon. I hope so, the 1st one on the page looks cool. The SA-4. Watch the demo, not only does it have the pepper powder but it looks like it kinda thumps a bit.

I just find it interesting I can buy a firearm but not this.


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