Well, we're screwed now
Yesterday, America declared the Republicans agenda a big failure. So now we'll be treated to the Democratic failure. Oh joy I can't wait. Like this moron
This is the type of idiot that voted Obama in. You think the sense of entitlement is bad in this country now, wait about 2 years. Let's tax the rich, they're the source of all of our problems. I just cannot fathom the complete lack of in depth thinking that people have. They actually think that the rich are gonna just give you some of there money, they don't think about what the rich person actually does for the economy.
A little hint for the idiots out there. They give us jobs. And when they have to pay more in taxes guess what? People get laid off, products get more expensive, quality goes down. Oh well, at least I'll be getting free money.
It's time to hoist the Gadsden flag and stock up on go bang stuff.
This is the type of idiot that voted Obama in. You think the sense of entitlement is bad in this country now, wait about 2 years. Let's tax the rich, they're the source of all of our problems. I just cannot fathom the complete lack of in depth thinking that people have. They actually think that the rich are gonna just give you some of there money, they don't think about what the rich person actually does for the economy.
A little hint for the idiots out there. They give us jobs. And when they have to pay more in taxes guess what? People get laid off, products get more expensive, quality goes down. Oh well, at least I'll be getting free money.
It's time to hoist the Gadsden flag and stock up on go bang stuff.
Keep an eye on the gunboards, buddy. There may be a linking system coming up soon.
There's a fury in our community and people are getting prepared.
Hey Foul!!! What's up hoss!!???? It's good to hear from ya. I still kinda keep an eye on the boards now and then but I mostly got out of them.
My boy's getting older and I want to spend more time with him. I also got tired of arguing over stupid crap. It's my fault as much as it is everyone elses. I can't resist an argument. So it was just better for me to leave them.
I hear ya. I'm still on a couple of boards...Florida Shooters and WhenSHTF. I was on Georgiapacking, but I moved back to Florida in July. I had to leave Georgia before I shot some fools...it got BAD in crime both civilian and governmental. Not to mention that Clayton County schools lost their acreditation.
Good to hear that the little one is growing up...they do that too quickly. Just spending my time stocking up on reloading supplies , looking for work (2 layoffs and a hireing freeze I got hit with so far) and fighting with my Obama-worshiping sister...I can't resist giving her ulcers and making her cry.The dumb bitch chews on the blue pills like they were candy.
I'll keep in touch more now that I got my gall bladder removed and I;m not living in an area that I have to watch my back so closely.
Chat with you soon!
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