Friday, April 16, 2010

My cane

As some of you may remember I walk with a cane. I have a bad back and a bad ankle. I have about 6 or 8 canes but I usually only carry 1. His name is "Charlemagne". After the 1st Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 800AD.

This cane is a simple Hickory cane bought at a military surplus store. It's a simple stockman's cane. A nice heavy duty cane. It certainly won't break on me if I put my weight on it. It's my constant companion, with me from the moment I get out of bed until I go to sleep. It's with me in my dreams and just feels natural in my hands.

When I 1st started carrying a cane almost 3 years ago it was a PITA to remember it. I left canes on top of cars on more than one occasion. Thankfully the car I have has a luggage rack so it didn't just slide off. I had one cane ride on top of the car from Ozark MO to Mt Vernon MO. About a 45 minute drive, on I-44 at 75MPH.

I don't do that anymore, I've gotten quite used to carrying a cane now. In fact I don't see how I got along w/o it. It's handy, I use it all the time to grab stuff and it's of course very handy in keeping me stable and helps a lot when I need to walk. I used to feel sad when I thought of carrying a cane for the rest of my life but now if I have to then that's quite allright.

I definitely worry less about stray dogs and other bad critters when I am about. A nice stout piece of Hickory or Oak is a wonderful "motivator" to critters to leave you alone. Thank God I haven't ever had to use it but it's always there if I need it.

Some "cane-fu" practitioners put sharp points and fangs on their canes but I think that's a bit silly. Plus I have a 5 year old who sometimes likes to grab Daddy's cane so the last thing I need on my cane is something that will poke out Tucker's eye.

I was considering getting an "unbreakable" polymer cane but I decided against it. To me it wouldn't have "soul" since it was a man made material. It's crazy but my cane seems to me to be a living "friend". It's a constant companion, it helps me get to where I need to go. It helps me when I am tired or weak and need some stability and admittedly, when things go 'bump' in the middle of the night it is a welcoming feeling feeling the weight of it, knowing that if need be, I can use it to defend myself or family.

So I'm gonna get off of here. I'm sure you think I'm crazy enough so I don't want to give you more proof.

Until next time.....BYE!!!!


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