It's a wee bit hot
Well it's the 2nd day of August and you can sure tell. The regular temperature is somewhere around 100, I have no clue where the heat index is. I'm assuming somewhere close to 105. Maybe 110. I don't know. All I do know is I have 4 window unit air conditioners going full blast and they're barely keeping this house at a cool 80 degrees.
But I guess that's normal, it's not like I should be surprised. Summer in the Ozarks is hot and sticky. Even though I don't drink much anymore a nice cold beer sounds pretty good right now. The good part is that Tucker doesn't want to go out back and play. Any chance to stay inside sounds great to me.
Other than that just trying to get by. Money is still tight but that's normal. I don't know what we'd do if we had extra money. I'm sure we'd just get ourselves into trouble.
Football starts in less than a week so I'm excited. A lot of experts are predicting good things from the Chiefs this year. I sure hope so, they've sucked long enough.
As for me I've just been cleaning house, we're gonna start our Kindergarten homeschool next month so I want to get this house all squared away. With 5 animals and 2 households worth of crap in one small house keeping it clean and clutter free is a challenge to say the least. But I do my best.
So anyway, I'm gonna sign off for now. But I'll be back in a couple of days.
Until next time......Bye!!!!!
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