Friday, July 27, 2007

Sorry I haven't posted in a while

All I'm doing is sitting around and trying to heal. I don't heal as fast as I used to. This getting old sucks. Oh well, I reckon it beats the alternative. My back is still giving me trouble but today I got an inversion chair so I'm hoping that will help some. I got it used, it's in perfect shape and only cost me $100. The new ones start at $200 and go up from there so I don't think I did too bad.

Tucker is growing so fast, he talks up a storm and if he doesn't know how to say something he just makes up a new word. Fish is "shoosh", outside is "da-dice" lap is "rap", I'm sure you can guess how it is. It's so cute although sometimes when he's trying to tell you something we both get frustrated because he is still learning new words. One thing we don't do is baby talk to him. We speak normally to him.

I'm a regular on

Well when I was healing a bunch of the guys on there chipped in and got me a sweet pocketknife. They even had it engraved with DTH (DuckTapeHero) It's awesome and it totally blew me away when it arrived. Here's a pic, it shares pocket duty with my other favorite knife, the second one pictured. It's a Swiss Army Knife with custom handles.

Well I'm gonna get off of here, I'll check in later.

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