Thursday, August 02, 2007

Still kickin

Well I'm still around, I'm doing a little better. I had been kinda piss-poor for a while. I was hurting pretty bad, so I took a lot of pain pills. Of course taking them pretty much screwed my appetite. I have trouble eating anyway because of my stomach surgery a few years ago. I have to take it slow or food gets trapped in my esophagus. As you can expect the pain medication makes it even worse. Through this whole ordeal I've lost about 30 lbs. I'm starting to eat a little more now so hopefully I can gain some weight back.

Kim got a new job. She had been working at Wal-Mart. When she was hired she was given the impression she would be "fast-tracked" into management. Well that didn't happen. She liked working there but she's too old and out of shape to be stocking shelves overnights which is what she was doing. That's a job for single young people. As I said before, she took leave when I got sick. While off work she found an accountant's job making a hell of a lot more money, with better insurance and Mon-Fri 8-5 hrs.

Other than that not a whole lot more going on. Our church has decided that it wants to try and get more young people(20's-40's) to come to our church. Of course the older people still want to run this little project so we may have a fight on our hands wrestling control of that away from them. But the bottom line is that unless we attract younger people the church will be dead in 10-15 years. There are only 5 people between the ages of 25 and 45 that go there.

So that's about it right now. I'll be back in a few days.


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