Thursday, October 27, 2005


Yesterday was my anniversary. 3 years married. I can't complain, it's been good. It sure beats the hell out of being single. I'm one of those types that doesn't do well alone. I'm self destructive and don't take care of myself very good. I don't mean I hurt myself on purpose or crap like that. I just didn't live very healthy when I was single. I drank too much, I worried too much and just basically did all kinds of crap that would probably would have eventually put me in an early grave.

We didn't really do anything, we went out to eat but that's it. But that was good, we went to Lamberts here in Ozark. Everything is all you can eat. I had about a pound of catfish and a couple of bowls of beans.

This may be the last post for a few days, we're going to KC to visit Kim's family. Most of them haven't seen the boy. It should be fun, I'm hoping to see my Uncle and Grandmother.

Well until next time, bye.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My new gun

I mentioned before how I wanted to get a few cheap guns to protect my family. Well I went out and put a Ruger P89DAO on layaway. I can't afford to buy it out right but it's still a hell of a gun and I got it for $269. If ya wanna see it here's a link.

Hurricane Katrina really opened my eyes about how people should be prepared for stuff. God helps those who help themselves. It always seems that when times get tough that something comes along to get us by. We've been thru some tough times the last few years but we've never starved or spent a night in the cold.

Even before we started going to Church we still believed and we were always taken care of. Of course now that we attend Church on a regular basis we don't stress about it anymore. We do our best, we go to Church and we believe, God will provide. He always does. That is a great burden off of our shoulders.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Stupid Politicians

I went to renew my drivers license today and was informed I now need my birth certificate or my passport. You know, to prevent terrorism. To all you ignorant, derelict worthless politicians who did this, SCREW YOU!!!! If you think this will stop terrorism you are stupid. You wanna stop terrorism? How about CLOSING THE BORDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is stupid crap like this gonna do ANYTHING but create an even bigger mess?

Next election, vote for the Libertarian or the Constitution party. The Republicans and Democrats have been running this country long enough. Don't you think they've screwed it up enough?

*Edited for language*

Thursday, October 20, 2005

It's my birthday

Yay for me. Too bad we're still trying to get my wife's paycheck thing straightened out because I haven't gotten anything yet from her. I'm thinking a shotgun would be nice. I got a gift card to Wal-Mart from my Grandmother and my Mom-in-law gave me a check. My Mom and Dad got me some clothes, I can always use those.

As for what we did today, the wife, kid and I went to my Mom's house. She lives about 45 minutes North of me. Had a pretty good day. Had some pork chops and some cake.

New topic, my shoulder and back are hurting pretty good right now. We have a cold front moving in so maybe the change in weather is what is making them hurt.

Well I'm outta here.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Been an interesting couple of days

My wife's paycheck bounced. We've spent the last couple of days trying to get that straightened out. Her company has the money and paid their part. The problem is somewhere else. The check went thru 2 or 3 other banks so who knows where. Hopefully we'll be able to get it all worked out without having to pay for a bunch of bounced checks.

Also a couple of days ago I go to write a check on a completely different account and I'm denied. Come to find out my ex-wife had written a check 6 years ago and it had bounced. I was still in the system. I thought I had taken care of that but I guess not. We finally got that fixed. Now I can bounce checks for myself. ;)

Today I get a bit of good news. I find out I have been approved for long term disability for my shoulder. Finally, something goes our way. This will definitely help us dig out of the hole we have gotten in since I hurt my shoulder last time. They are going to make me go to vocational rehab so maybe I can get some schooling or training of some sort so I don't have to get another physical job. Although the wife's job is picking up so I may just stay at home full time with the boy.

Either way things are looking a lot better than they did a few days ago. Tomorrow is my birthday but I doubt I'll be able to get what I want quite yet. I'm wanting a couple new guns. :)

There's a few other things I'd like too. I'd like to get a new coat, something that looks nicer than the jean jacket I have. Maybe a nice Carhardt or something. I can always use flannels and other clothes. Another thing I'd like to get eventually is a decent home gym. I'd like to get in better shape.

Well, I'm off of here.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

My son's 1st word

He said Mama, he was upset and screaming. I was holding him and being totally useless. He yelled out, "MAMA MAMA!!!!!!!!!!" I gave him to my wife and he shut up. I'm totally convinced he wanted his Mama. I'm so proud. It seems like just yesterday he was born.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My shoulder

I've had a bad shoulder for years. It started Jan 1, 1994. I was at a New Years party when some drunk guy decided to take a swing at me. While defending myself someone pulled me off of him and in the process dislocated my shoulder. I've been having trouble with it since then. In all I've had 5 dislocations and 4 surgeries. It's hurting again and I'm worried. I just had surgery on it this year and it's already feeling loose again. The last time I dislocated it was the day before my son was born. It sucked that the 1st time I held my son my right arm was in a shoulder immobilizer.

Hopefully I just slept on it wrong or something. I plan on buying a workout machine and slowly trying to strengthen it. Hopefully that will prevent it from coming out again. This has caused me much pain over the years. It has affected my life and prevented me from doing a lot of things I enjoy doing.

No shotguns, bowling, maybe playing on a softball team. But the thing that sucks the most is the amount of money this has caused me. The last time it happened it cost me a job making pretty good money for these parts.

Well, just kinda bitching a bit. Life goes on and I'll survive.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Fussy baby

My 7 month old son is teething. And boy is he cranky. I feel so bad for him. I wish I could just take his discomfort away. Thank God for baby orajel. That stuff works good. I got a bit in my mouth and it definitely numbs things up. Not much to write about so I'll get off of here. Besides, the baby is crying. Bye.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Am I paranoid?

With all that's going on in the world today I want to be more prepared. I'm not interested in stockpiling 10 years worth of MRE's but I would like to have a month's worth of food and water around. I plan on getting three 55 gallon water barrels and slowly building up the food supply until we have enough to last a month. I'd also take care of the dogs and cats too.

The problems in New Orleans also reaffirmed my decision to get me a couple cheap guns and maybe keep a bit of ammo around. It's sad that during a disaster that the worst of people comes out. I hope to God I never have to go thru something like that but I simply refuse to save up a little food and other supplies only to have some thug take it away by force. I'll be more than happy to help anyone I can but lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

Am I paranoid? I read the news and hear about the war and terrorist attacks. The economy could very easily turn to crap or even this damn bird flu virus their talking about could rear its ugly head. Winter is coming and we could have a massive ice storm that paralyzes everything for weeks. Lots of things could happen that could require you to "hole up" for a few weeks.

I don't want to be someone who is dependant on someone else should something happen. As a man I refuse to put my wife and child at risk because I didn't prepare for an emergency. I don't want to be like those poor souls who were stuck in the Superdome down in New Orleans with no food, no water and totally dependant on someone else.

I'm not talking about building a bomb shelter and stocking up years worth of dehydrated food. I don't have chemical suits and I'm not too worried about hordes of Chinese soldiers coming down the street. I just want to be ready for the things that can and do happen to normal people. I guess if wanting be be a bit prepared makes me paranoid then so be it.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Fall is here

It was warm yesterday. Mid 80's and sunny. But did we ever get nailed with Fall. It's about 30 degrees colder today. You almost need a jacket. I love it. I used to like the hot weather when I was young I just can't take it like I used too. Now give me the cold weather. Besides, that's when football is on. I'm gonna make a pot of chili later. I've never made chili before so wish me luck.

I spent all day burning trash yesterday. That sucked. At least it's done. We still had a bunch of stuff we never had a chance to unpack from our last move in March. I finally said screw it and burned the crap we don't need. Maybe we can get that back room all cleaned up so we can sit in front of the fireplace this Winter.

Kim's Mom came down a couple of days ago. She's always a big help. That's why I could finally get to cleaning that back room. She watches the boy and does dishes and that gives me time to do some deep cleaning.

Well that's all for now.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Being broke

Man, we're so broke right now. Luckily we don't have any debt besides the car but we're pretty tight right now. The wife works from home full time so I'm mainly Mr Mom. It's great but I now realize what wives in the old days went through keeping the house clean. I have a new found respect for them. My wife schedules mystery shops. We still do some mystery shops from time to time but it's hard to make a living doing that. It's still nice to get paid to eat though. We've even gotten paid to mini-golf a few times.

The bad part of my wifes job is the checks are about 2 months behind. Of course 2 months ago she didn't make a whole lot for the month so we're tightening our belts. No huge deal, we've been in a lot worse situations. We rent our house and our landlord is great. Hopefully we can buy a house sometime in the future but we lost our ass on the house Kim had bought before we met so we're a little gunshy about it. It is nice to call someone else up when something breaks around the house though.

The boy is fine but he's got a couple of bug bites on him. I'm at my wits end about that. We've bug bombed and we constantly wash his bed sheets. We don't see too many bugs in the house either. I try to keep it fairly clean but he still gets them. I don't know if they're spider bites or just mosquito bites. We're keeping an eye on him so don't worry about it. They don't seem to bother him.

That's it for right now.

Monday, October 03, 2005


My favorite football team is the Kansas City Chiefs. But don't tell anyone because it's embarrassing. I was born in KC and lived just outside of KC most of my life. I've been rooting for these yahoos for 33 years and have been heartbroken by them just as long. Here's a pathetic but completely true statement. The Kansas City Royals have won "the big one" since the Chiefs.

C'mon Lamar Hunt. You change personnel, coaches, players but keep Carl Peterson. Maybe you should think about canning him. IIRC when he was hired he had a 5 year plan to win the Superbowl, and we're on year what? 14, 15, 16? Get a clue, get rid of him and get someone who is serious, do you think Jerry Jones would have kept his ass in there that long? No but you do. My only conclusion is you don't really care about winning a Superbwol, the stadium is full so you're making money.

Us loyal Chiefs fans are getting tired of the same old crap, maybe next year I'll just say the hell with it and root for the Bears full time. At least I've seen them win a Superbowl.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Dirty cops

I was on a internet forum(I won't say which because they don't deserve it) and the subject of cops and "throwaway guns" came up. Some people stated how they could understand why a cop would carry one. Are these jerks for real? I'm sorry but if you're a cop and you carry a throwaway gun, you're a worthless dirty cop. Many cops these days have some kind of an ego trip and think they're somehow more important than the average Joe.

Pretty good day

Got to sleep in and watched football all day. Mizzou got spanked by Texas but Texas is ranked #2 in the nation so that's not a big shocker. Tennessee won so that's good. What pisses me off is Tennessee beat LSU yet LSU is still ranked 4th or something. There are a buttload of undefeated teams ranked worse than LSU. It's complete BS. I'm sure LSU is a great team but they got beat. Their ranking should reflect that no matter how good they are. It ain't always the best team that wins. Done ranting, nothing planned for tomorrow so it will be another nice day. Go to church in the morning and again in the evening.