Thursday, June 29, 2006

Cowards and sheeple

Ugghh, so there was a big study saying the gov't should ban smoking in public places.

I'll agree with that. Gov't buildings and other property owned by the public should be smoke free. However, as smokers are taxpayers too there should be a place for smokers to go too. That's fair. The problem is these derelicts who think bars, restaraunts, stores and malls are public property. Wrong!!! Those places are PRIVATE property, meaning someone(or a group of someones) owns it. And shouldn't property owners have the right to decide for themselves to allow smoking or not?

How come the morons somehow think it's OK to tell someone what to do on THEIR property? But because the majority of Americans are stupid, more liberty will be lost because of the "rights" of anti-smokers to control OTHER peoples property. If Thomas Jefferson were alive he'd crap his pants.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I'm off to school

Well tomorrow I start going to school again. I'm taking computer networking at Bryan College up in Springfield(MO). With my medical problems I need to get some training as I simply can't do the type of heavy work I've done in the past. I probably could get on gov't disability but I refuse too if I can still work. I have no problem with people that NEED it but there's a lot of people that don't need to be on it that are because it's easier getting money for nothing.

I will be done with school in about a year and a half. I'm hoping I can still find enough time to update this now and then.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


The following "people" are idiots

Tom Cruise, Micheal Moore, George Bush(both of them), John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, people who ride with Ted Kennedy, George Clooney, my ex wife Tiffany, Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton, Robin Williams, Martin and Charlie(I like porn) Sheen, Micheal Douglas, Dianne Feinstein, John McCain(liberal Republican), Cindy Sheehan, Dick Cheney, people who hunt with Dick Cheney, anti-smoking nazi's, PETA members and supporters, George Lopez, Barbra Streisand, Mayor Ray Nagin, Pink(PETA supporter), anti-gun activists, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton(race whores), Chevy(hey where'd my career go) Chase, Rob Reiner, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Ed Asner, Alec Baldwin, Rosie O Donuthole, er I mean Donnell, Democrats, Republicans who can't see that the party has been taken over by liberals, people who drive drunk, and last but not least, people who disagree with me.