Monday, April 16, 2007

Shooting at VA Tech

How terrible. My prayers go out to all involved.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Oh crap, where to begin. Imus is an idiot, no question about that. But I also think this whole thing got blown WAY out of proportion. 1st of all, is "Nappy Headed Hoes" even a racist comment? I've seen PLENTY of white meth addicts who were nappy headed hoes. To me that's not a racist comment. But that's not the point.

Also, whatever happened to accepting someone's apology? He said he was sorry but the "honorable" Reverands Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson weren't happy until this guy had suffered. They decided that he must be made an example. Is this the actions that a Reverand should make? Would Jesus do this? What about forgiveness? No one seems to remember when Jesse Jackson referred to New York as Hymietown. But he apoligized for it and now it's in the past. Does anyone else detect a double standard?

Jason Whitlock is a columnist in Kansas City. Read this link.

He's right you know. I hate racism, but racism is alive and well in this country and unless you're white it is OK.