Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Remember me?

It's been a while. Our computer has been dead so I haven't been able to get online. Kim's Dad loaned us a laptop so now I'm back. It's slow but it'll work.

I hope you had a great Christmas, I did. It was wonderful. Tucker got a whole bunch of stuff, including a new bowling ball from Santa. A Spongebob Squarepants bowling ball. It is so cool. I got a bunch of cool stuff too. My parents and sister came over Christmas and we ate then opened presents. You couldn't have asked for a better day. We even had a white Xmas, well maybe officially but the night before they were saying they were expecting 4-8 inches but some unexpected dry air moved in the picture and we ended up with maybe an inch of snow and a little ice. Obviously not a winter disaster but it was prettier than nothing at all.

Other than that things are about the same. The Chiefs still suck and I still hurt all the time. We're still broke and Tucker is still growing. Life is great. I certainly can't complain too much, sure we have no money but we have a warm house, food in our bellies and each other. That's more than a lot of people have.

New Year's Eve is coming in a few days. I think the plans are that we're gonna go up to my Mom's house and hang out with the Captain. I don't know, we'll have to see.

Well, I'm gonna get off of here. I will try to keep y'all updated better. See ya soon!!!!!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

It's cold and nasty today.

I'm at my Mom's house today. Kim is in Ohio with work so I figured the boy and I would come up and see my parents. Our computer is dead in the water so I'm catching up on everything up here. It's cold and rainy today, I'm glad I don't work outside. Things are OK around here, like I said Kim is in Ohio this week. That sucks. She didn't want to go but she had to. She HATES flying, and she also hates being away from home. I hate her being away from home too. She'll be back Friday so it won't be too long.

Xmas is coming up fast, it's gonna be tight but it'll still be good. The most important thing is that we're all relatively healthy and together. There's a lot of people who won't be home this Xmas. I feel bad for them. I know how it feels, it's about the lonliest thing in the world. Definitely say some prayers for them.

Other than that just trying to get by. I'm trying to learn how to be more frugal. If I could learn how to stop eating that would help. LOL Also if I could bring about a miracle and heal myself that would be great too. But I'm not gonna complain, granted things are tight but at least we don't have a lot of debt. We were smart enough to stay away from credit cards and buying a house we couldn't afford. Although I guess if we did that we could get free money from Obama.

Isn't it crazy how the gov't rewards financial irresponsibility and generally being a dumbass. I swear the easiest way to get free money in this country is to be stupid and get yourself into debt, or make stupid decisions like getting pregnant when they can't even support themselves. You do that and BAM!!! Here's some free money!!!! But people who try to make good decisions like go to college must take out loans to pay for that. Kinda backwards isn't it? When you punish hard work and success and reward stupidity and irresponsibility you'll get more of what you reward. But some people are too friggin stupid to see that.