Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Kim's Grandma

Kim's Grandma isn't doing well. We did a mad dash in the middle of the night a couple of days ago to see her. Things aren't looking good for her, my prayer is that whatever the good Lord decides that it will be as painless as possible. He could heal her or bring her home in a heartbeat. Either way I pray that she's comfortable.

But I have to brag on my boy. The last couple of days his sleep schedule has been messed up, he's been thrust into weird places and he hasn't been able to eat and live like he's used too but he's been a little trooper. A hospital waiting area isn't the best place for a 10 month old just learning to walk but Tucker was great. He wasn't fussy and he learned quickly where he could and couldn't go. He doesn't know a stranger and he flirted with every nurse he saw.

More later.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

My 1st attempt at chili

We have a chili contest next Sunday at church so I thought I'd make a test run yesterday. I did OK. It was missing something though. I may put a bit more cayanne in it next time. I don't think I'll be good enough to win though.

Switching subjects, I was reading a magazine and they were talking to Bill Maher. He was talking about the marijuana public service ad where the stoned kid finds a gun and shoots his friend. I'm sure you've seen it. He makes a good point, that only in America is the marijuana the cause of the accident. I agree with him there but then he goes on to say that the blame lies in bad parenting AND the gun. Yeah, it's the guns fault that the stupid teenager picked it up and shot his friend. Bill, you're a derelict. Can't you see the hypocricy of not blaming the pot but blaming the gun? In fact, in order of blame I'd put the gun LAST but really the ONLY culprit is bad parenting.

The magazine also said that he is the comic most loved by Americans. Maybe on the coasts where all the queers and liberals live but not here in the Heartland. Of course the majority of the people in this part of the country still believe in God, decency, and America. You couldn't PAY me to live on the coasts. The parts of the country where crime is out of control, in a interesting sidenote they're also the places with the strictest gun control and more idiot liberal judges.

After the last election some of the whiners who supported Kerry were uttering the word secession, it filled my heart with joy. I personally would LOVE to see us split ways. The west coast could be their own little country, the northeast could be its own little country and the South and Midwest could be our own BIG country. We may not have as many big cities but we'll definitely have enough food. Not too mention a whole bunch of country boys who own guns and know how to shoot. I think we'd survive just fine without New York or LA.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Who to root for

So the Steelers and the Seahawks are going to the big game. Who should I root for? I'd like to see Jerome Bettis finally get a ring but OTOH I'd like to see Seattle win it because this is their 1st trip. But if anyone deserves it Bill Cowher does. He's been a great coach. Plus Seattle is full of loonies and liberals. So I guess I'll root for Pittsburgh.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Just for Martin Luther King Jr day

New Orleans mayor says "God wants New Orleans to be mostly black" http://www.thekansascitychannel.com/news/6153685/detail.html
Imagine if a white mayor said that God wanted his city to be mostly white. He would be utterly crucified in the media. How is this not racism? Why is it we can have a Black entertainment television station(BET) but not a white one? Why is it we can have a NAACP but we don't have a NAAWP? Why is it that accepting a white guy into a school because of his skin color is racism but accepting a black guy into your school is "meeting the racial quota"? How come hiring a white guy just for being white is racism but hiring a black guy is "affirmative action"?

We've got all black colleges but not all white ones. Black guys are shooting black guys but somehow it's the white mans fault? C'mon, the black leaders who are pushing for all of this are the ones responsible for the "us vs them" mentality between the races today.

I'm real sorry what happened over 150 years ago but it's time to move on. The white man is NOT holding you down. A lot of Orientals are fairly recent immigrants to the USA and they have helped themselves to a better life.(read hard work) Quit listening to the race whores like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and quit blaming the white man for everything. Take advantage of the education you're offered, show a little honor and make an honest living, keep your legs shut and you'll be surprised at how far that'll get you.

I'm sure some will think I'm a racist but I don't give a rats ass, if you do then you're a retard and probably too stupid to see what I'm getting at. I also don't have a problem with ANYONE in this country legally. Diversity and the mixing of cultures is what makes this the best country in the world. I hate racism but I see it all the time, it's LEGAL racism and it's against whites. Racism is ugly, no matter who is the one being discriminated against.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

This could get ugly boys

This whole mess with Iran is getting scary. The Republicans and Democrats are agreeing about something. They both agree Iran cannot become nuclear armed. Surprisingly the Europeans and now even the Russians are agreeing with the US. Of course if Iran does something we're gonna be in trouble. If Iran sends a nuke to Israel Israel will retaliate, then the other Arab nations will attack Israel and Israel will nuke them.

Regardless of your view on the US supporting Israel I believe it would behoove us to try and keep the entire Middle east from becoming a sea of glass. You think gas prices are high now? But what do we do? I'm not a huge fan of the US sticking its nose into other country's business but if this plays out wrong it could affect EVERYONE.

But what do we do? I simply don't have a clue.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Ugghh, what can I say? The city just North of me is considering putting cameras by stoplights to catch red light runners. All these cowards who want to "feel safe" whine like little girls because they don't feel safe when driving. Shut the hell up you gutless pansies. This country wasn't founded by men who wanted to "feel safe". It was founded by men who wanted to be free and control their own destiny. Because with "gov't provided safety" we lose our freedom. It's that friggin simple.

Of course people don't want to be free nowadays. Because being free also means letting the other person do what HE wants to. And we certainly can't have that. Our country is screwed, we've got the gov't infringing on our rights left and right and yet people don't care. It'll keep us safe from the terrorists, or red light runners, or cigarette smoke or those dreaded assault weapons which somehow kill people all by themselves. This country has turned into a bunch of cowards.

To quote Benjamin Franklin "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both"

That is exactly what is happening today. America has simply turned into a nation of pansies.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Proud Papa moment

Well my Son just walked for the 1st time. I can't believe how fast he's growing. It seems like yesterday he was just a small infant and now he's walking.

Sorry I haven't been on lately, just been busy doing the Dad thing and enjoying life. I go to the Dr tomorrow to find out about my shoulder. Hopefully it will be good news, whatever that is.
