Friday, December 29, 2006

Checking in

Well, Christmas came and went. It was pretty good, the big gift we got was a new digital camera for us. It's so cool. The boy made out like a bandit though. He got a Radio Flyer Horse. He also got a vibrating Elmo chair and a Spiderman battery powered go cart.

Nothing else going on except I got the Focus fixed. I ran over a curb and messed up the K-frame underneath and also broke a motor mount. So we've been driving Kim's Dad's 1996 Nissan Altima. It's an old beater with almost 200,000 miles but it runs great. It's not the prettiest thing in the world though. Plus it was free.

On a sad note, Kim's Dad's girlfriend was diagnosed with Leukemia and it doesn't look good. If you're the praying type you might remember her in your prayers.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Jerk of the day

I have yet to read anywhere where it says we have the right to not be offended. Hope you choke on a bagel. ;)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

My new internet home

Mostly refugees from the now defunct sksboards. It's a libertarian themed forum with a lot of intelligent people. People smart enough to see that both the Republicans and Democrats are useless. If you want a new home on the internet stop by.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas is coming

I love this time of year, Christmas, family, football, everything. I even like the cold weather. Been busy though. My wife and I work as youth(ages 12-18) leaders at our church. It's mostly my wife though, I'm just there to intimidate them into behaving. LOL

Anyway, we've been working on a Christmas play with them. This thing is huge, instead of the traditional plays my wife and one of the youth girls made up a play from scratch. The kids are doing good but we ALMOST got in over our heads. But it should be really good. I'm proud of the kids, when we took over the youth group they were out of control but now they're actively wanting to be involved with this.

Of course now we're hearing the rumors and such that small churches are famous for. Most say that we'll never pull this off. I hope we prove them wrong.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Morons of America

Here we go again. The minimum wage thing.

"If I made more money I'd be able to buy more things"

Why are people so dumb? Don't they understand simple economics? The places that pay minimum wage are generally the places shopped by minimum wage earners. And guess what happens when businesses are forced to raise wages? That's right Einstein, they raise prices. So what have we gained? Nothing but more inflation. The minimum wage earner STILL can't afford to live the high life. But I guess some people can't even wrap their puny little minds around that simple concept. Guess what people, minimum wage isn't meant for adults to live on, it's for people who are entering the workforce(teenagers). If you're an adult who has so little skills that the best job you can get is a minimum wage job then maybe you should rethink your life.

Obviously you've made some dumb choices in life, like getting knocked up at 14 or dealing in meth and now you're un-hireable. Sorry but why should the entire economy suffer because you're an idiot? And of course kids grow up seeing that mommy or daddy is an idiot but still gets taken care of by society in general and learns that they can be idiots too. And guess who pays for that, That's right, people who were smart enough to stay out of prison and/or not become drug addicts or parents in their early teens.

I have no problem with my tax dollars temporarily helping people in a tough spot. Crap sometimes happens and even the best of us can be caught off guard but I nor society in general should not have to constantly pay for your bad choices in life.