Sunday, November 16, 2008

Well, I have another hernia

I've been having some pain in my abdomen so I went to the DR. Of course since I've had a couple of hernias before I was pretty sure what it was. Oh well, I'm not even going to get upset. It's simply not worth it.

Another late development in our lives is that we've decided to move. The house we rent now is becoming a little too much for us. Things are getting tight financially so we're gonna move someplace cheaper. We'll have the same landlord but that's OK. Dan is great. He's been a big help to us.

And is anyone else excited about Xmas? I am, I admit it. I'm a big kid and I LOVE this time of year. The lights, the trees, the FOOD. It's great.

The boy has been sick the last couple of days, nothing huge, just the cold or something. Just enough to be cranky all the time.

So I'm getting off of here. BYE!!!!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Well, we're screwed now

Yesterday, America declared the Republicans agenda a big failure. So now we'll be treated to the Democratic failure. Oh joy I can't wait. Like this moron

This is the type of idiot that voted Obama in. You think the sense of entitlement is bad in this country now, wait about 2 years. Let's tax the rich, they're the source of all of our problems. I just cannot fathom the complete lack of in depth thinking that people have. They actually think that the rich are gonna just give you some of there money, they don't think about what the rich person actually does for the economy.

A little hint for the idiots out there. They give us jobs. And when they have to pay more in taxes guess what? People get laid off, products get more expensive, quality goes down. Oh well, at least I'll be getting free money.

It's time to hoist the Gadsden flag and stock up on go bang stuff.