Monday, April 27, 2009

It's me again

I haven't posted on here for a while. My friend Judy ended up passing away. It's sad but she's out of pain now and with God. Things have been about the same here. We took Tucker to a psychologist to see if his obsession with bowling is normal. I'm also convinced he's either gifted, autistic or crazy. I'm pretty much crazy and I see a lot of him in me. I wanted a little "mini-me" and now I got one. Be careful what you wish for.

I'm trying to back off my pain pills a little too. I take methadone for my back and the side effects suck. So I'm gonna cut back a little. I'm getting to where I like them too much. So far I'm doing good. I'm prescribed 8 pills a day and as of the last week I've been taking 7 and it's OK. So in a week or 2 I'm gonna cut back to 6 pills a day. I'd love to cut down to nothing but I doubt my back pain will let me do that.

So the goal is to cut back to 4 pills a day. That way the side effects aren't as bad and on bad days I will have extra medicine.

I'm considering quitting my Canemasters class. I just hurt and I cancel have the time anyway. I feel bad for wasting my teachers time. I can practice on my own. I have a cane wrapped in foam and a punching bad so I can still practice my moves.

So until next time, bye!!!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

What's been going on lately

Things are somewhat normal right now. Tucker's still obsessed with bowling, Kim is still working her butt off and I still hurt like hell most of the time. But for the most part there's no drama so that's good. Although a good friend of the family is not doing good.

Her name is Judy, she was like an aunt when I was growing up. her and her husband had a 22 acre farm in Plattsburg MO and during the summers I would go up there and spend weeks at a time. She had a son about 2 years younger than me so I had someone to play with. We always had a blast, especially when we had a bunch of BB's for our BB guns. I have a lot of fond memories of them. She has cancer and has been recently been put in hospice. She beat cancer in the mid-80's but it came back.

It's only a matter of days. Although I didn't see her much after I grew up she was still a really good friend to the family, especially my grandmother. The last time I saw her was at my wedding. So it will be extremely sad when she goes but I have no doubt that she will be in Heaven and I will see her again someday.

As I've mentioned Tucker is OBSESSED with bowling. He is also EXTREMELY intelligent. He isn't "normal" and on the 23rd I'm having some testing done on him. I used to think that maybe he was a bit autistic but now I think he's gifted. I just want to know what's going on because we often have trouble communicating. I don't mean he can't talk but he gets frustrated when he's trying to get a point across and I'm not understanding him.

So hopefully we'll get some insight as to what's going on. And if we do maybe we can work out a plan to develop his intellect to the fullest without as much trouble as we're having.

Until next time, bye bye!!!!