Thursday, August 30, 2007

Colorado school bans tag

What in the hell are we teaching these kids? These little wimpy kids who are whining because they got "tagged" aren't gonna know how to deal with life when they're adults and they're "tagged" by real hardships. Plus we're taking away just another form of exercise for these fat little kids.

I just can't fathom how wimpy America is becoming. What happened to the image of the brave pioneer, or the self reliant cowboy? Sadly I think they're gone forever. Young boys are being raised as "sensitive" wimps.

Back when I was in elementary school we had BB guns and pocketknives. We fought and wrestled. We played baseball and football. We got hurt and bled sometimes. We learned to "suck it up" and keep playing or our friends would call us pussies.

Now kids can't even play tag. Sheesh.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What a bitch

Well Leona Helmsley leaves her dog 12 million while 2 of her grandchildren got nothing.

Even in death she's a bitch.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


I'm just checking in, I hope things are good for you. Ain't much going on here except we went to see a play today. There's a little theatre in town and they do little religious plays and such. It's a lot of fun, the play today was funny. I always enjoy going.

As some of you might know due to my eyesight I'm becoming less comfortable having a gun(or other lethal ranged weapon) around for home defense so I've been looking at alternatives. I've got pepper spray and foam at various places around the house. I have an ASP Palm Defender on me at all times and my wife has an ASP Key Defender on her keychain. (mine is the small one and hers is the medium sized one). You can use these as kubotans and also have the pepper spray option too.

Well in my eternal quest for non lethal alternatives I found these.

They're just like paintball guns except when they impact it unloads a cloud of pepper powder. I think these would have dandy alternatives but as of right now they're not sold to the public. Although they claim they're going to soon. I hope so, the 1st one on the page looks cool. The SA-4. Watch the demo, not only does it have the pepper powder but it looks like it kinda thumps a bit.

I just find it interesting I can buy a firearm but not this.

Friday, August 24, 2007

It's gonna be a long year.

The Chiefs look like microwaved shit. Why does Carl Peterson still have a job? He's proven he can't do it. And the quarterbacks, man what do we do here? I hope Croyle is the QB of the future but Huard has proven he can win in the NFL. And why the hell did it take this long to get Larry Johnson signed? Dammit Carl, you're a friggin moron. He's the second best running back in football, what was the problem paying him what he's worth.

The offensive line looks like shit, our defense looks weak. Damn.

Karma is a ruthless bitch

This story was on the news last night. Basically a woman lied about a rape and sent a man to jail for almost 2 years. She didn't want her husband to know she was a cum sponge for the entire town. DNA evidence cleared him of the crime. I was pissed when they said they couldn't charge her with anything because the statute of limitations had past. Then I read this story.

Like I said, Karma is a bitch sometimes.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

It's me again

I just wanted to further comment on my comments yesterday. So the NAACP wants us to forgive Michael Vick. How about them forgiving Imus and apologizing for making such a big deal over it. In the whole scheme of thing Imus's crime was Mickey Mouse shit compared to Vick's. Jason Whitlock said we should let him back in the NFL, I disagree with him but he also mentioned the Imus side of the story.

More later.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The NAACP shows its stupidity again

From the article
"White said he does not support dogfighting and that he considers it as bad as hunting."His crime is, it was a dog,"

As bad as hunting? WTF are you talking about? The purpose of hunting is to get a quick kill so you can EAT the animal you're hunting. Dogfighting is completely different. And what Michael Vick did to those dogs is in no way shape or form related to anything resembling hunting. I cannot believe that people are this stupid. It simply dumbfounds me.

Poor Michael Vick

Well now he's pleading guilty. That just makes him a bigger douchebag in my opinion. 1st he admits to doing these inhumane things then the subhuman POS lies to everyone about it. I tell you one thing, if he's EVER allowed back into the NFL I'll quit watching it. I sure hope it doesn't come to that.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Michael Vick

This guy is screwed. I am a total believer in "innocent until guilty" but it looks like they got him by the short hairs. It's plainly obvious he had SOMETHING to do with it. I just don't understand the lack of intelligence of some people. Did he think he wasn't gonna get caught? Its sad, you got a buttload of talent and screw it all up because you can't stop being a criminal. Look at Pacman Jones.

There's probably thousands of guys who are 99% NFL material. Maybe the league should hire some of those guys and weed out the criminals. If all 32 teams were willing to do it it would work. Tell the players union to piss off.

And of course we got Barry Bonds and gobs of steroids in baseball. We have the NBA ref who was betting on games he officiated. If these leagues aren't careful the Federal gov't will step in and get involved. I don't believe that the Feds should have their noses in it but that's the way it is.

Oh well, no skin of my butt.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Jason Whitlock tells it like it is

Jason Whitlock is a newspaper columnist in Kansas City. Although I disagree with him sometimes I greatly admire his ability to see thru the BS and get to the root of the story. Here's his reaction to the news that one of the Rutgers women's basketball players is gonna sue Imus and CBS.

I pretty much agree with everything he says. If you disagree then you're a derelict.

Halloween candy in August?

It is the middle of August and I saw some Halloween candy at the grocery store yesterday. Don't you think this is a little adsurd? I am willing to bet money that within the next month I will see X-mas stuff somewhere.

Anyway, nothing new going on lately. My eyes are kinda bugging me today. Everything is blurry and bright. Oh well. Kim is really liking her new job. At least she isn't stocking shelves anymore and she's finally making some real money.

We're gonna have to get Dale(our dog) an allergy shot. He's got terrible allergies and I'm sick of keeping him drugged up with Benadryl.

Other than that nothing new so I'll talk to ya later.... bye

Monday, August 13, 2007

Hey y'all

I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was OK. Not great but not horrible either. So what's the deal with the economy nowadays? If you're smart you might wanna grab a few extra cans of beans to have. I'm sure people might think I'm paranoid but I try to keep some food stocked up. No I don't have 10 years of MRE's in my basement. But I do have a little water stored, I have a little extra food and a propane powered heater and stove. I also have several small camping sized propane tanks. You know the little green Coleman kind? That's it.

Next weekend I'm going to a local gun show and I'm hoping to pick up a few boxes of ammo and a couple of magazines for my Makarov. For those who don't know what a Makarov is here's a link...

It's certainly not the most powerful handgun in existence . It's ugly and heavy for the size it is. It only holds 8+1 rounds. But on the positive side, it is also pretty accurate. It is also quite possibly the most reliable handgun ever produced. It is certainly in the top 5. The best part is that it only cost me $150. Of course they have gone up in price since then. I wish I had gotten more at that price. I certainly don't feel underarmed with it, especially with good hollowpoint ammo. I may swith back to FMJ in the wintertime, but I may just keep the HP's in it too.

Switching subjects, can you believe this heat? It's crazy but I shouldn't complain. It's usual August weather. This is also the time of year my dog gets allergies. We're pretty good about keeping medicine in him though. The local kid who mows our yard hasn't been back for a few weeks so our yard looks terrible. I reckon we'll have to find someone else. I guess 25 bucks for a little more than an hours work isn't good enough. Oh well, one of our neighbors said he'd do it.

Nothing else going on right now, still trying to recover and get back into the game. God bless

Friday, August 10, 2007

I hate being clumsy

I'm sure some of you will say "I know how DTH feels, I'm clumsy too" but you don't understand. I am Clark Griswold clumsy. You know the character Chevy Chase plays in the vacation movies? Now you get an idea. I've got the scars to prove it. I slipped on ice in the military and shattered my ankle. My hand and foot are just now recovering from me cutting myself then dropping the knife, on the top of my foot. I trip over the dogs at least once a day. Or I'll step on a Hot Wheels car and go flying up in the air only to land on my back. I have dislocated my shoulder several times doing things that anyone else could do 1000 times without even thinking about it.

For instance, trying to pick up a cat. That is the God's honest truth. I also dislocated my OTHER shoulder DRIVING!!! I have a couple scars on my head from "accidents" too. One is where I tripped and hit some speakers when I was a kid. You remember the big wooden boxes they use to have them in. Yeah. Or the time I ran thru a plate glass window because I couldn't open the screen door fast enough. That one took a plastic surgeon to stitch me up. A week ago I gave myself a black eye by hitting myself with the corner of a door. We have to keep lights on in the middle of the night. Not a lot but enough for me to see. I have no night vision, hell I barely have any DAY vision.

Yeah, I have arthritis. I have chronic daily shoulder, ankle, back and knee pain. A dozen or so surgeries and a medical discharge from the Army. Bones that creak and pop. But at least the good news is that I usually don't hurt other people, just myself. Although I did once accidentally shut the dogs tail in the car door. But he only yelped and went back to wagging his tail... slinging blood all over the office of the kennel where we were gonna board him over a X-Mas vacation while we went to KC. I did find the tip of his tail in the door. I felt terrible for days afterwards.

Well see ya later. I need an aspirin, or on second thought, make that a morphine pill.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Yay football!!!!

Well it's getting to be that time of year again. Preseason football has begun. That means summer will soon be ending and fall will come. My favorite time of year. I'm so excited, especially this year. There for a while I was worried I wouldn't even be here. But it looks like I am. I have big plans for this fall and winter. I want to go completely over with Christmas lights. I want to spend WAY too much money on Christmas gifts. Maybe get the back room cleaned up and sit by the fireplace.

I doubt the Chiefs are gonna do anything this year and I don't care about the Bears this year. But who cares, it's still football.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Still kickin

Well I'm still around, I'm doing a little better. I had been kinda piss-poor for a while. I was hurting pretty bad, so I took a lot of pain pills. Of course taking them pretty much screwed my appetite. I have trouble eating anyway because of my stomach surgery a few years ago. I have to take it slow or food gets trapped in my esophagus. As you can expect the pain medication makes it even worse. Through this whole ordeal I've lost about 30 lbs. I'm starting to eat a little more now so hopefully I can gain some weight back.

Kim got a new job. She had been working at Wal-Mart. When she was hired she was given the impression she would be "fast-tracked" into management. Well that didn't happen. She liked working there but she's too old and out of shape to be stocking shelves overnights which is what she was doing. That's a job for single young people. As I said before, she took leave when I got sick. While off work she found an accountant's job making a hell of a lot more money, with better insurance and Mon-Fri 8-5 hrs.

Other than that not a whole lot more going on. Our church has decided that it wants to try and get more young people(20's-40's) to come to our church. Of course the older people still want to run this little project so we may have a fight on our hands wrestling control of that away from them. But the bottom line is that unless we attract younger people the church will be dead in 10-15 years. There are only 5 people between the ages of 25 and 45 that go there.

So that's about it right now. I'll be back in a few days.