Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25th

Hey y'all. This last weekend was the annual homeschooling convention. Kim and I went Thursday and Friday. It was OK but overpriced. Most of the speeches were simply "pep talks" about how " we could do it" instead of the nitty gritty of actually getting it done. The positive thinking is OK but getting actual knowledge makes me a lot more confident than a simple pep talk. I know I can do it or I wouldn't be trying but give me more information on "HOW" to do it.

It was scheduled for Saturday too but Kim and I didn't go. Tucker was up at my parent's so we took the chance to go to Silver Dollar City by ourselves. It was fun but it was cold and rainy so that put a damper on things. We did get to see two shows that we probably would never have seen.

Other than that things are about the same. Tucker went bowling last night. He got a 66, 56 and an 86. All w/o bumpers of course. He beat Nikki his last game. He also beat the Tanks game on the Wii Play game. 540 tanks, needless to say he was pretty proud of that. I've never even come close.

He watched other people play on youtube and also he'd get his blocks out and make up strategies. Not too shabby for a 5 year old. He's scary smart sometimes. I just hope I can be a good enough teacher to help him maximize his potential.

So other than that things are about the same so I'm gonna get off of here.

Until next time.....Bye!!!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

My cane

As some of you may remember I walk with a cane. I have a bad back and a bad ankle. I have about 6 or 8 canes but I usually only carry 1. His name is "Charlemagne". After the 1st Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 800AD.

This cane is a simple Hickory cane bought at a military surplus store. It's a simple stockman's cane. A nice heavy duty cane. It certainly won't break on me if I put my weight on it. It's my constant companion, with me from the moment I get out of bed until I go to sleep. It's with me in my dreams and just feels natural in my hands.

When I 1st started carrying a cane almost 3 years ago it was a PITA to remember it. I left canes on top of cars on more than one occasion. Thankfully the car I have has a luggage rack so it didn't just slide off. I had one cane ride on top of the car from Ozark MO to Mt Vernon MO. About a 45 minute drive, on I-44 at 75MPH.

I don't do that anymore, I've gotten quite used to carrying a cane now. In fact I don't see how I got along w/o it. It's handy, I use it all the time to grab stuff and it's of course very handy in keeping me stable and helps a lot when I need to walk. I used to feel sad when I thought of carrying a cane for the rest of my life but now if I have to then that's quite allright.

I definitely worry less about stray dogs and other bad critters when I am about. A nice stout piece of Hickory or Oak is a wonderful "motivator" to critters to leave you alone. Thank God I haven't ever had to use it but it's always there if I need it.

Some "cane-fu" practitioners put sharp points and fangs on their canes but I think that's a bit silly. Plus I have a 5 year old who sometimes likes to grab Daddy's cane so the last thing I need on my cane is something that will poke out Tucker's eye.

I was considering getting an "unbreakable" polymer cane but I decided against it. To me it wouldn't have "soul" since it was a man made material. It's crazy but my cane seems to me to be a living "friend". It's a constant companion, it helps me get to where I need to go. It helps me when I am tired or weak and need some stability and admittedly, when things go 'bump' in the middle of the night it is a welcoming feeling feeling the weight of it, knowing that if need be, I can use it to defend myself or family.

So I'm gonna get off of here. I'm sure you think I'm crazy enough so I don't want to give you more proof.

Until next time.....BYE!!!!

Monday, April 05, 2010

Camping was fun

WE got back yesterday. We had a lot of fun. It rained Friday night but that was OK. We just hung around the camper and watched TV. Tucker was great. A lot of 5 year olds would have gone crazy all cooped up in a small camper but he just played bowling and played with his jumbo lego blocks.

Saturday was beautiful, a little windy but nice and warm. We spent most of the day outside and enjoying the sun. Saturday night we had a few beers sitting by the campfire. That's always a blast.

Sunday was another bright sunny day but it was REAL windy. WE mostly just hung around inside packing our stuff to leave but we did sit outside a bit. We left yesterday early afternoon and got home around 3:30. We were all exhausted but pretty relaxed. It was a nice weekend. It's always nice to get away but it's nice to come home too.

It's Monday today, Kim has today off so we're just kinda relaxing today. Kim's Mom is still sick so we're trying to get her better. I'm gonna do a little house cleaning later if I feel like it but I might wait until tomorrow. It'll be there.

So, that was our weekend. Nothing exotic but a lot of fun. So until next time....Bye!!!!!!

Thursday, April 01, 2010


We're going camping this weekend. I'm so excited. It's been beautiful outside lately. i've taken Tucker to the park the last couple of days. He always likes that.

Other than that just trying to get by. Easter is this Sunday, that's always fun. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. It's supposed to.

I don't have anything interesting to really say, although some might say I never do so we'll leave it at that. I'm gonna get off of here. See ya next time....Bye!!!!