Thursday, February 02, 2006

What a derelict

Black activist compares GOP to Nazi party

Julian Bond, you are about the least intelligent person I've ever heard of. You're worthless and YOU and worthless racist idiots like you are THE biggest problem in race relations. So the GOP is like the Nazi's? I surely haven't seen any black people being loaded up for slaughter. Hell, if anything the white man is discriminated against. You've got affirmative action which is racist but you're probably too stupid to notice it. You have Black entertainment television(BET) You have hiring quotas. If the white man had these you'd cry racism and whine like a 3 year old girl until you got it changed.

Scum like you play the race card every chance you get. THAT causes more trouble and resentment than the idiots in the Klan. And they are idiots. I hate racism. I hate racists, and I hate people like you because you are a racist. You want to keep the fires of racism going because that's how you make money.

You are not concerned with how black people are really doing. You have a political agenda and keeping the fires of racism and the "Us -VS- Them" mentality going is the way you keep raking in the money. You're a parasite, you keep racism alive and well and live off of it. The more conflict you can stir up the better. You are simply a worthless pile of excrement. It's a shame your mother wasn't pro-choice.