Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Gas prices

Ugghhh. They're killing us. But unlike eveyone else who blames the "evil oil companies" I place a lot more blame on the gov't. We keep hearing how the gov't is going after the oil companies for making such huge profits but I read that, on average, oil companies make between 7-9 cents profit on every gallon of gas. Now compare that to how much tax the gov't gets from a gallon of gas.




Now, tell me who is ripping us off the most.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

NASCAR is now officially ruined

I just found out that NASCAR will let Toyota race in Winston(I refuse to call it Nextel) cup. What happened to my sport? It used to be a redneck sport, By rednecks FOR rednecks but now the stupid money hungry Yankees have ruined it like everything else they get their hands on.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

You might be an idiot if....

You believe abortion is a "right" while capital punishment is wrong.

You cannot see the similarities between the failure of the current "War on drugs" and the failure of prohibition in the 20's and early 30's.

You cannot understand the concept of the passing lane. Pass then get over. Duh

You think that more gov't intrusion into our lives is good.

You believe that your supposed "right to clean air" somehow overrides a business owner's right decide for himself whether to allow smoking or not.

You think taxing people who work and giving it to people who refuse to work is good economics.

You believe that the 1st Amendment means state sponsored athiesm.

You think that gun control lowers crime.

Your name is Bill Clinton, George W Bush, John Kerry, Reverand Phelps, Jesse Jackson or you're an actor in Hollywood.

You think PETA(who has ties to domestic terrorist groups) is a worthwile organization while the NRA and the GOA *Gun Owners of America*(Both of which defend a CONSTITUTIONAL right) are right wing whacko's.

You think that McDonalds "Super size value meals" or Coke machines in schools is the reason you and your kids are fat.

You think the gov't spying on you is OK because "only people who have something to hide" should be concerned.

Your religion was started by a science fiction writer.

You think that a business owner purposely hiring a white guy is racism but a business owner purposely hiring a black guy is "Affirmative Action".

You disagree with me.

More later...Bye.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Cruel and unusual punishment

I say we try it on these worthless scumbags


What the hell is wrong with people? These people deserve to be tortured for DECADES. They should be tortured to ALMOST the point of death, healed up and tortured again for the rest of their lives. EVERY effort must be made to inflict the worst possible pain on them for the maximum amount of time without killing them.

But instead they'll go to jail for 7 years. Hopefully they put them in the general population. But in this "great" country, where unborn babies get killed for being inconvienent, we will make sure they're safe and sound, they'll live 7 years with free housing and food then they'll get out and we'll support them AGAIN on welfare because they can't find jobs.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Even more BS from the feel good crowd

Missouri hospitals to ban smoking.


I'm so tired of this. Now the smokers OUTSIDE are a problem. That's fine though. I'll be sure to pack some chewing tobacco the next time I go there. I'm not talking about Skoal or that stuff in the can. I mean chewing tobaco. Beech-nut, Levi Garret, yeah the nasty stuff. With the huge brown stains. I'll be sure to be as disgusting and inconsiderate as I can too. Maybe I should do that everywhere. They want me to quit smoking? Fine. Two can play this BS game.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Day without immigrants

Oh joy, why is it if you say you're against illegal immigration, idiots assume that you're a racist and against all immigrants? Oh I know why, because the fact is that illegal immigrants have no REAL argument how they're good for the country so all they can do is, like everyone who has no basis in fact, only insult the person with an opposing viewpoint.

I, like most people, don't have a problem with immigrants here legally. I don't care what color they are, black, brown, yellow, white whatever. Just come here LEGALLY. Learn the language, follow the laws and I'll support your right to be here 100%. But being against illegal immigration makes me a racist huh? If you think so you're a friggin idiot. I'd rather have a person of color here legally than an illegal white guy. But I'm a racist though. Oh btw, for our mentally challenged liberals that was sarcasm.

How is it wrong for me to want the borders closed so Johnny Jihad doesn't come over and blow up a nuke in LA? Of course if that happened the people who are FOR open borders would whine about something.

If you're here legally, welcome to America, I'm glad you came. I love America's diversity and believe that's our best quality. I honestly wish you the best of success. If you're here illegally, waving the flag of your homeland and refusing to speak our language, I hope you fail miserably and get your sorry ass deported home.