Friday, February 16, 2007

Another victory for the weak whiny types

I'm sorry but this is just absurd. How is this offensive? I don't hear Irish people complaining about the Boston Celtics or the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. How come Greeks aren't up in arms about all the schools named the Spartans? Should people from Scandinavia complain about the Minnesota Vikings? How is a nickname honoring your fighting spirit disrespectful?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This is funny

People complain about the damage the ice storm did and the electricity being out but ALSO complain when the city wants to do something that may lessen the damage when the next one hits. When did the US turn into a bunch of wimps?

Friday, February 09, 2007

This is a great way to generate revenue...

I mean to save lives.

Once again, the nanny state plans to interfere in your life to make you "safer". The sad part of it is the average moron will agree with it, slowly losing rights, even the right to make dumb choices, doesn't concern them. As long as they can feel safe and secure. The average American is too cowardly to live free, they want to feel warm and fuzzy, knowing that big brother is keeping them safe. Tapping our phones, searching our mail, checkpoints on the roads, cameras keeping track of our every move, being pulled over for not wearing seat belts, outrageous taxes blah blah blah. None of this matters to the sheeple. It's pathetic.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

And the nanny state gets bigger

It seems like every day politicians are trying to find even more moronic laws to keep us safe from ourselves. I am so sick of this crap. If you believe that the US is still a free country you're a moron. We have more laws, and more incarcerated people than communist China. I wish stupidity was painful.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

More bad cops

Friday, February 02, 2007

Now credit checks are racist

What a fucking joke. I hate racism but this is absurd. Sorry but if you have bad credit it's YOUR fault. I don't have the best credit in the world but instead of blaming others I take responsibility for it. Why are people so stupid? Why can't people accept responsibility for their mistakes? How is a credit check racist? Lisa Bailey, you are a moron.