Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Whew!! What a day. We had my parents, my sister and Kim's Aunt Mary over today. It was a lot of fun but I'm just about wore slick now. Tucker made out like a bandit today. He got all kinds of stuff but his favorite BY FAR is a bowling game that Santa Claus gave him. He is NUTS about bowling and this thing is great. It sets the pins up by itself and also rolls the ball back to you. Maybe the endless hours of me setting up his pins on his other bowling game are over. He also got a punching bag, a tent, a blow up football receiver thingy, some Hot Wheels, a case for his Hot Wheels, a bunch of DVD's, a chalkboard and probably 10 other things I'm forgetting.

I made out pretty good too. I got a whole bunch of power tools. I got a cordless drill, a powered handsaw, a Handisaw, a little cordless screwdriver and a drill bit and screwdriver bit set that has about 110 pieces, a ratcheting screwdriver and a small level. I also got a few DVD's, a battery powered carbon monoxide detector and a Nerf Dart gun. I got a knife, a pair of Coca-Cola sleep pants and a tool box. Although I'm gonna have to return the tool box, it's too small for all the tools I own now.

So all in all it was a great day. And I'm thankful to just be here this Christmas. There was a time when I wasn't sure I would be. It's been a lot of fun this year, we made cookies for Santa and we left some food for the reindeer. Last night before we went to bed Kim read the boy "Twas the Night Before Christmas" then I read about Jesus's birth from the Bible.

I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas. This one is kinda special because of my cancer this year. I just thank God that I am here.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ugh!! Xmas is almost here!!!!

As with most people things have been hectic around here. Between buying presents, family get-togethers, the weather and Church activities time is in short supply lately. Plus I've been hurting quite a bit so it's even harder to get motivated to move. But I still love this time of year. Next year we're gonna TRY and do a little less but somehow I doubt it. When you have a kid Xmas is THE time of year to do EVERYTHING!!!

Nothing new going on really, just trying to get the house clean and please everyone. I sure hope we can take a vacation this summer.

So until next time, see ya later!!!

Sunday, December 09, 2007


Our cat, Bo, died last night. He was 19 years old so he had a long life. He had a pretty good life too. He was originally my wife's cat before we met. Kim(my wife) and I met Feb 14th 2001. The 1st time we went to her house she said that her cat, Bo, would probably stay hidden because he didn't like strangers. It wasn't 5 minutes later he ran out and jumped on my lap. My wife knew I must have been all right after that.

So for the past 6 and a half years he's had his butt parked on my lap. He pretty much became MY cat. He was a mess, spoiled rotten. Of course I accept the blame for that. I did spoil him but he deserved it. He was extremely lovable and had a wonderful personality. Although I'm sure he was convinced HE was God.

He'd been failing the last few months and we knew this day was coming but it's still hard. He was a very outgoing and social cat so it will be quite different around here. Thankfully I don't think he was in a lot of pain. I will definitely miss him. Hopefully we'll meet again someday Bo.

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