Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Slippin a bit

I thought I'd update on how I'm doing. I'm doing OK, although I have slipped a bit on the working out. But on other stuff I'm doing OK. I'm eating a little better and being more active. I've also possibly found a legal way to manage my pain w/o resorting to my methadone. Hopefully it will continue to work out.

I will work out tomorrow and get back into it. This past wknd Kim and I went to GNC and got some vitamins and stuff. We're both gonna try and get healthier. We're both tired of being slugs. We have a boy who will be turning 5 next month. We don't want to sit around and just watch him grow. We want to be a part of it. We've got a lot of stuff we want to do and it's time to quit talking and start doing.

We have a good start but that's the easy part, we need to keep this up. THAT'S the hard part, and where we usually fail. But hopefully this time is different. It feels different. We have a goal this time, instead of just "wanting to feel better".

So until next time....Bye!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Trying to start a workout routine

As y'all might recall I have chronic back problems. So much so that I walk with a cane. And I take methadone for pain. Which of course brings terrible side effects. I'm not a candidate for surgery so unless I do something about it myself I'm not going to improve.

So I've decided that I'm gonna start working out. Very slowly at first but maybe if I can strengthen my body, and especially my abs then maybe it'll help my back. My back problems became severe after 2 hernia operations and my kidney cancer. Within a span of 2 years they had cut into my abdominal wall 3 times so I'm sure it's extremely weak. And if you're abs are weak it only stands to reason that it's going to affect my back.

I know I'm not going to be able to cure myself but if I can at least lessen the pain it'll be worth it. Maybe I can actually get to where I can walk w/o the use of a cane.

So wish me luck. I know it's going to be painful but I simply cannot continue to live the way I have been. This methadone is slowly killing me and it's obvious that something needs to be done.

so, until next time.....bye!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Finally got back online

We got tired of dealing with viruses and got a Mac. It's so nice.

It's been a while. Things are about the same. We're still trying to get by but it's a little better. Hopefully things will continue to improve. My back is about the same.

Tucker is getting to be a big boy. He no longer uses bumpers when he's bowling. He's 4 years old and is averaging about 66 pins a game. Not too damn bad.

Football season is over, the Colts lost the Superbowl so Kim is sad.

That's all right now but I'll start getting back into this....Bye!!!