Monday, April 25, 2011

Yesterday was Easter

We were supposed to go up to my parent's house yesterday but my Dad was sick. He has a sinus infection so we never made it up there. We stayed home and Tucker played with his Mario action figures that he got.

It's been raining here for the last 3 days and everything is just soaked. The back yard looks like a jungle. Kim has been doing coupons lately so we have gobs of cereal. Yay!!! Tucker is at that age where he doesn't want to eat anything except hot dogs and mac and cheese. I guess most kids go through that phase.

Tucker's schooling is going good. The biggest problem he has is he doesn't like writing practice, but neither did I so he comes by it honestly. He really likes learning about the US presidents and history which is cool. He also likes science too. His reading and spelling are coming along fine too.

All in all things are going OK, can't complain too much...but I do.

Anyway, until next time....Bye!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

We went to Silver Dollar City...

For the 1st time this year last Saturday. Tucker had a great time but Kim and I were sore Saturday. It would be nice if that place was flat. Oh well, Tucker rode the Fire in the Hole and loved it. He rode it when he was 4 but it was a bit too scary for him but he said he'd try it again when he was 6. And he did. I wish I could ride the rides, I always loved Fire in the Hole.

Yesterday was spent just sitting around and being lazy. But now it's Monday and I've got to get back to cleaning this house and schooling that boy. He's been working on the Presidents lately and has most of them memorized.

Other than that things are about the same. Just living life and watching Tucker grow up.

So until next time.....Bye!!!!