Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Well Kansas City takes a big steamy dump on property rights


Screw freedom, screw property rights, the anti-smoking Nazi's want to FORCE businesses into complying to what they want. And the average American moron supports them. It's no wonder this country is losing its freedoms at an alarming rate, people are too fucking stupid to know what TRUE freedom is.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The "Hip-Hop" mayor might be headed for prison

What an idiot, and he's a Democrat. Even more proof that they're not quite the moral saviors they play themselves out to be.

Friday, March 21, 2008

I hate liberals


Read this, it starts out nice but of course the author can't help but put a liberal "blame America" twist. Comparing Jesus and his torture and punishment with what happened at Abu Ghraib. You know where some terrorists were humiliated. I'm real sorry that happened but you know, it's not that big of a deal. Wah!!! So they had panties put on their heads. Now let's compare this with how these sub-human monkeys treat their prisoners(our troops).

1st, they beat them for a few days then they cut off their heads while they're awake and conscious. Now THIS is a little more comparable to what Jesus went through. Of course the liberal whiny ass POS that wrote this article didn't mention this. It would clearly show the absurdity of his statement.

What a shitbag.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Well, Tucker's 3 today

3 years old. I can't believe it. Where did the time go? My baby boy has become a little man and it seems like just a few weeks ago he was an infant. I'm happy and sad at the same time.

On one hand you live to see your children grow. It's the best thing in the world. On the other hand I sure do miss baby Tucker sometimes. Holding him and just being able to kiss on him all I want. Tucker now is way too busy to mess around with that stuff. He's a busy little man and there's always something to do.

For his birthday we got him a real camera. It's designed for kids 3 and up so I'm hoping it's tough enough for him. Kim's mom got him a little keyboard. He's been asking for a piano so this should work for him.

I also got him a toy shaving kit. He's at the age where me shaving just fascinates him. He always wants to put on shaving cream and/or after shave. So this should be a lot of fun for him.

So until next time, see ya!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

NY Governor linked to prostitution ring


This is hilarious. All I hear is how the Democrats are now morally superior people compared to Republicans. To this I answer, horse-shit. Once again a stupid politician screws up and only feels bad AFTER her gets caught. I hope his wife leaves him and takes all his money. I hope his political career is ruined. I also hope he got AIDS.

Are Democrats going to "save this country"? Hell no, both parties are plum full of dishonest douchebags who want to tell us how to run our lives. Isn't it obvious that both parties are just different piles of the same shit? Why can't the average American moron figure that out?


Saturday, March 08, 2008

It's time for chili

Our church is having its annual chili contest. So I've been making chili all day. It tastes pretty good. I hope it's not too spicy for our "older members". It's actually more of a matter of politicking than the taste of the chili that determines the winner. I plan to use the popularity of my son among the church members as an advantage.

Other than that nothing else going one. Just trying to get by and stay afloat. It would be a lot easier if gas and food wasn't so expensive, and of course we weren't taxed so damn much either. Although, like someone said, be thankful we're not getting all the gov't we're paying for.

But that'll change. We have 3 presidential nominees and the differences between them are slim. All 3 want to use the gov't to solve problems. Using the gov't to solve problems is like trying to sober up with whiskey shots. It just ain't gonna happen.

Well that's it for now, see ya!!!

Monday, March 03, 2008

What are the odds

I've had to cancel my appt with the Dr down in Fayetteville AR twice because of weather. It's an appt to talk to him about my hernia. Well I had to cancel another appt tomorrow because of weather. We have another winter storm moving in. They say we could get 10 inches of snow with this one. So I rescheduled it for March 28th.

This sucks because one, it hurts and two, because it'll probably be at least mid-April before I have my surgery. It'll take at least 2 months to heal completely and that's already mid-June. That's assuming it only takes 2 months. This hernia is caused by a tear in my abdomen where my kidney surgery was so it's quite possible I did too much too soon and caused this. So I'm really gonna have to watch it this time so it doesn't happen again.

So all I can do now is wait more. That's OK though. I'm good at that.