I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was OK. Not great but not horrible either. So what's the deal with the economy nowadays? If you're smart you might wanna grab a few extra cans of beans to have. I'm sure people might think I'm paranoid but I try to keep some food stocked up. No I don't have 10 years of MRE's in my basement. But I do have a little water stored, I have a little extra food and a propane powered heater and stove. I also have several small camping sized propane tanks. You know the little green Coleman kind? That's it.
Next weekend I'm going to a local gun show and I'm hoping to pick up a few boxes of ammo and a couple of magazines for my Makarov. For those who don't know what a Makarov is here's a link...
It's certainly not the most powerful handgun in existence . It's ugly and heavy for the size it is. It only holds 8+1 rounds. But on the positive side, it is also pretty accurate. It is also quite possibly the most reliable handgun ever produced. It is certainly in the top 5. The best part is that it only cost me $150. Of course they have gone up in price since then. I wish I had gotten more at that price. I certainly don't feel underarmed with it, especially with good hollowpoint ammo. I may swith back to FMJ in the wintertime, but I may just keep the HP's in it too.
Switching subjects, can you believe this heat? It's crazy but I shouldn't complain. It's usual August weather. This is also the time of year my dog gets allergies. We're pretty good about keeping medicine in him though. The local kid who mows our yard hasn't been back for a few weeks so our yard looks terrible. I reckon we'll have to find someone else. I guess 25 bucks for a little more than an hours work isn't good enough. Oh well, one of our neighbors said he'd do it.
Nothing else going on right now, still trying to recover and get back into the game. God bless